The PC Weenies

The PC Weenies
Author(s) Krishna M. Sadasivam
Current status / schedule Updating every M, W, & F.
Launch date October 21, 1998

The PC Weenies is a popular webcomic with a special focus on technology humor and geek culture, as experienced through the lives of the fictitious Weiner family. The PC Weenies was created and launched on the web in October 1998 by Krishna M. Sadasivam, a former electrical engineer. The series has enjoyed success in web and print media. Most notably, The PC Weenies was the first webcomic to appear regularly on CNET. The PC Weenies currently appear in print within Tau Beta Pi's The BENT publication. The comic has also appeared within print in EE Times, the largest electronic engineering publication in the world. The PC Weenies webcomic also appears regularly on BBspot.

Recently, The PC Weenies relaunched with a new site, with a focus on multi-panel tech comics. PC is now classified as a perma-archive, collecting the first 9 years of the single panel comic.

Main characters

Bob: The head of the Weiner clan, Bob prefers the company of his gadgets and PCs to spending time with friends and family. Bob's award-winning 'know-it-all' attitude keeps him safely unemployed and constantly searching for a new position in IT.

Pam: Pam's no-nonsense attitude manages to keep the Weiner family in line. When she's not busy working as a game developer at Compu-Stuff, she prefers to spend her free time reading novels, practicing yoga, and playing with her newborn.

Milton: "Born to hack!" is Milton's favorite motto. Perhaps the most inquisitive 3rd grader of his generation, Milton seems to spend much of his time taking as many short-cuts as possible, usually to no avail. A chip off the old silicon block, Milton enjoys life on 'the bleeding edge'.

Sonia: The latest addition to the Weiner family, Sonia shares many of the same traits as her family. Not quite ready to grip a mouse, she instead prefers to spend her time eating, sleeping, and breaking her daddy's expensive gadgets.

Grampa: Preferring the allure and company of beautiful, nubile young females, Grampa is quite the opposite of his son Bob when it comes to technology. When he's not working as a mechanic, Grampa can be found at any of the local clubs and pubs in the area, scoping for hotties.

Robo: Not much is known about the enigmatic Robotic-XINU, otherwise known as Robo. Robo is highly intelligent and athletic. His turn-ons include proper programming practices and UNIX. He is also known to podcast.

External links